Safet (Steven) Mrkulic

At Price Insight, I am the only person involved and immersed with each client, you get no one else but me. That is of paramount importance.

Qualifications & Financial Registrations:

  • April 2020 - Now

    Retired April 2020... License in the parking lot @ FINRA. Psychological Sabbatical here I come.

  • CRD# 2119672 Jan 2013 - April 2020

    Relicensed with FINRA in 2013 as a Principle and went through the NMA (New Member Application) process to open a Broker Dealer from scratch.

    S 24, 79, 7, 63
  • Jun 2005 - Dec 2012

    Precious Metal Firms / i3 solutions.

  • Jan 2002 - Jun 2005

    Alaron Futures

    NFA# 0332590
  • Jan 1992 - April 2000

    RR from 1992 to April 2000 In Beverly Hills, California. Having spent many years as a broker, a Clean U-4 tells you I value my clients, but more importantly I value my fiduciary commitment to those clients. A beyond compliant SOB.

    CRD# 2119672

I have vast experience with a gamut of financial instruments. Now, I want to help as many investors truly grasp this new landscape of Algo’s / Quant’s / HFT and how things operate in the underbelly of this irrational emotional beast.

"In rising markets, the rising tide lifts all boats, not that hard to be a broker then."

However, the tide also goes out and can rip your face off!
How you handle that is the million dollar question.

My suggestion to all investors, start thinking like institutions, with ZERO EMOTION. If you don’t have that vantage point, you should not be investing. FACT!

Eliminate stock hype anxiety with our assessment tool, it provides a clear path in today’s unpredictable and evolving markets, making price fluctuations work in your favor.

Steven Mrkulic CEO

Meet the Founder

Price acumen over emotional chart babble, anyday!

Contact The CEO


  • Pick 5 assets
  • 3 minute intro chat. Intrigued?
  • We screen share for 8 minutes
Pretty Simple...